Thursday, April 30, 2009

Crackberry update

They took the Blackberry away. Sigh. I resolved to go back to my old phone. To save my money for pedicures and having Mrs. Kitten spayed. So what did I do? I got a Blackberry, of course. Sheesh. Self control? Out the window. Instant gratification? Charter member.

I really do like my phone. Bunches. It's great to get my email anywhere I am. That helps me keep up with my job and my business. The GPS helps me find my way because I do get 'round.

We did have Mrs. Kitten spayed. We had tired of riding the hormonal roller coaster. She spent most nights meowing loudly at the window above the bed. None of us were getting much sleep and hopefully her life will be less fitful.

Mrs. Kitten was horribly upset when the Mr. picked her up at the vet hospital. Can you imagine that the humans you trust most in the world dumping you off at a strange place where your are starved all night long and not allowed a drink? Then some other humans do unspeakable things to you while you are sleeping. When you awake, you are in a cage between two large snarling dogs. Kitty was fit to be tied. Growling and hissing. She calmed down when she recognized his voice and crawled into her carrier. She seems relieved to be at home and has been resting well. Her appetite is good and she's thirsty. I don't think she blames us for her suffering. Yet.

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