Saturday, June 13, 2009


Last week left me dragging. But at least we could have Wong's take-out on Friday night. The daughter's future fiance introduced us to Wong's a few years ago and we've been hooked ever since. It's delicious.

As soon as you get on I-40 coming from Burns Flat, call in your to go order and it will be ready when you get to Clinton. When I opened the car door upon arriving, the scrumptious scent of Wong's was already wafting through the air. It's pure torture to drive the 40 some odd miles home with my sacks and boxes of take out in the back seat. I wouldn't dare put it in the front seat with me for fear that none of it would survive the entire trip home. When I left with my order I noticed a little house on the north side of the street across from Wong's. With Oklahoma's prevalently southern winds the poor folks who live there must be craving that wonderful aromatic food constantly. There might be a very heavy person living in that little house. Maybe they can't even leave the house anymore and the Wong's deliver to them. That's what would happen to me if I lived there.

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