Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weekends are too short

It's already almost Sunday evening and I've not accomplished much this weekend. I have to figure out how to not sleep so much on Saturdays but I'm just so dog gone tired after a busy week. I have been back to work 3 weeks now and I do feel better, although by the end of the week I'm dragging.

Friday I interviewed for the Canton job. Whatever they decide is fine. There are pros and cons to working in just one office and roaming too. So whatever happens, happens. Just so I have a job when it's all said and done, that's the main thing.

We ran down to Weatherford today for a late breakfast and grocery shopping. We had not been grocery shopping for two weeks. I guess it's needless for me to say that the cupboards were bare and the freezer was becoming an icy empty cave.

We also did a little birthday shopping for a certain ornery nephew who just happens to be turning FOURTY next week. We had to pick up a few things for him like a denture cup and Polident, a magnifying glass, Ben Gay and some Grecian Formula. We just like you be helpful, ya know.

In two weeks we're going to see this guy again! He puts on a great show, so if you're in the vicinity of Shooters in Enid the weekend of August 28th and 29th you won't be disappointed if you stop in.

Ugh, that laundry simply isn't going to fold itself dang it.

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